Saturday, December 10, 2005


Yeah, you read it right. The male species is on the verge of losing its existence…hehehe. I was reading the Sunday Lifestyle section of the Philippine Star and I can’t help but share with you an article by Scott R. Garceau- The XY Files. The inset states: Female genes are growing in complexity while male genes are eroding like a stack of moldy men’s magazines. The author presented the scientific report and some messages to the gals. When you are in a serious relationship with someone from the opposite sex, of course you want to understand each other. I really found the article amusing and quite factual. Here are some excerpts:

Ask most guys what they want to do with their precious time off, and you’re likely to get very unimaginative responses. Doing pretty much nothing makes most males perfectly happy. But ask a woman the same question and you’ll get a recitation that lasts half an hour. Women never run out of creative ideas to fill your time. And now science has an explanation for why this is.

It seems that us males are just not genetically up to challenge of the frenzied pace of modern life. Our chromosomes researchers tell us, are a bunch of lazy asses. Yes, American researchers earlier this year came up with a hypothesis about the genetic makeup of males and females that may shed light on why certain sexes enjoy shopping, while others prefer napping.

Men are said to be XY, while women are XX, meaning their 46th chromosome is a second "X" instead of the male "Y". And it’s that extra "X": factor, scientists say, that makes women potentially better, faster, stronger.

As Dr. Huntington Willard, a gene expert at Duke UniversIty, puts it: "We poor men have only 45 chromosomes to do our work with because the 46th is a pathetic Y that has only a few genes taht operate below the waist and above the knees." "Women have more complexity, which men view as unpredictability," sniffs David Page, a molecular biologist at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at Cambridge, Massachusetts. And while women are said to be creatures of "infinite variety;" genetically speaking, if you’ve met one man, you’ve met them all.

And here are some "guy rules" to live about…

1. Men ARE NOT mind readers.

2. Sunday sports: it’s like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.

3. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.

4. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!

5. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That’s what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfirends are for.

6. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing’s wrong. We know you are lying, but it is not just worth the hassle.

7. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

Hay…men. Let’s just understand them…anyway nalalapit na ang katapusan…haha kidding.


Christmas is fast approaching yet it’s hard to feel the hustle and bustle of the season. I do celebrate Christmas. I always look forward to Christmas day. When September comes, I really feel that Christmas is near. When I was a kid, I used to have a self-made bankbook, copied from a real bankbook with the help from my father who works in a bank. The contents of the bankbook were typewritten on white sheets of paper which were folded and stapled; completed with my signature and stamp upon deposit or withdrawal. Come December, I usually go bankrupt because I withdraw my savings and buy gifts for people. I also give a gift to myself… I buy the gift, wrap it and provide a card "TO: Kathy, FROM: KatKat" Heheehe…the joys of my childhood. Insane? I don’t care…I still get excited when I open my own gift.

But lately, I am bugged by the fact that I haven’t started buying gifts. Could it be that I have lost my interest in celebrating Christmas? I really hope not. I guess Christmas this time goes beyond buying material stuff for people. It’s not being kuripot. I’d like to give people something different this time. And I’d give myself something different too.

I’d still have to think of what to give to people dear to me. As for me, I wanted to have a new life…yess…as if. I wanted to take care of myself this time… Hehe..simple lang naman. Gaya nang…dapat ay maka-inom ako ng at least 8 baso ng tubig sa isang araw. Hehee…I should have realized and started that years ago. It’s difficult to renew your lifestyle drastically…so I’ll be taking baby steps. My sort of new year’s resolution seems easy but I have yet to prove that.

I wish everyone a merry celebration…whatever you are celebrating for.


Love shows in so many ways,

those who Love

will always see it,

It speaks in so many voices,

those who Love

will always hear it …

In the presence of HOPE - FAITH is born,

In the presence of FAITH - LOVE becomes a possibility

In the presence of LOVE - MIRACLES happen.

There is no difficulty that enough Love will not conquer;

no disease that enough Love will not heal;

no door that enough Love will not open;

no gulf that enough Love will not bridge;

no wall that enough Love will not throw down.

It makes no difference how deeply seated the trouble may be;

how hopeless the outlook;

how muddled the tangle;

how great the mistake;

A sufficient realization of Love will dissolve it all!

As YOU discover that YOU ARE LOVE -

YOU become the happiest being in the world!

Mushy? I’d say sweet. Very ideal, yes…but still sweet in a way. Love can rock one’s world. Sometimes, you just have that overflowing love in you that you can’t help but care for everyone. Having a special someone of course makes loving extra special too.

Bakit ganito ang mode ko ngayon? I’d have rockstar blamed for that.

Sunday, December 4, 2005


Sometimes, I can’t help but to be lazy. These days I lack physical activity and what’s bad is that I don’t care. All I do is lip service, proclaiming to myself and to rockstar that I will be waking up early the next day to jog around the Oval. Sleep is luxury. I am bothered by the fact that my head aches often on weekends, when sleeping is very much unlimited, but still I don’ care. Hah! Somebody whip my ass and get me moving.

I fear that this laziness might go on forever…and to a large-scale level. By a large-scale level, I pertain to activites not only at the present but in the years to come. I have a thousand dreams, who doesn’t have anyway? And the fear that I may not be able to achieve these dreams due to my stupid laziness and currently laid-back state is creeping all over me.

Once in our lifetime, I guess we have dreamt of becoming rich or famous. We have dreamt of living a life minus the labor. But yeah, life minus the labor is next to impossible. Once in their life, the rich, famous or successful people have also toiled. I am looking at the bright side of things here…for some people might have gotten their treasures at the expense of other people. Yeah…we have to work…waah… I have been avoiding to say the previous statement, but I guess I really have to. You cannot be paid twice for the same thing. This truth explains the danger in only dreaming about the higher life instead of quietly working for its realization.

Yeah, I guess I have to move my ass now. I still vow to jog. As soon as I turn off this PC, I would be working on some papers and reports to check…yeah as soon as I turn off this PC…probably 3 hours from now.

Sunday, September 4, 2005


I was searching for nothing in particular when my eyes stopped on this book I had read two years ago. The Last Time I Saw Mother, authored by Arlene Chai, is one reading material which provides insight into three cultures- Spanish, Chinese and Filipino, through the diverse yet intertwined lives of Filipino women in a certain family. Take time to read that book. Her other book, Eating Fire and Drinking Water is also pretty interesting.

And so now, I adapt the book’s title and a single line from it to voice out my current state of mind. “How many of us grow up, I wonder, to live the life we imagine.” Life today is very much confusing, for me I guess. Until now, I could not fathom what I really wanted out of my life. I never imagined myself teaching college students, but I enjoy every minute of it, well except for the extra works like recording their grades. Much more, I never imagined myself teaching in the University where I graduated. During my elementary days, I wanted to become a nun…hah! Okay…laugh. You may stop now. =) Well I was probably inspired by some Sisters in school who really acted like they were angels sent by God. I admired some of them, but later on realized that I could not live the life they are living. It requires great sacrifice on one’s part. Mother Goose, back in her college days, also thought of becoming one, but it was her best friend instead who embraced that life. Then, came the late years of grade school and the early years of high school… I wanted to become a teacher. Well, some great teachers probably inspired me this time. It never occurred to me that it was some kind of a noble profession. It just so happened that I wanted to check papers, use some red ink to comment on students’ works, and receive some gifts during Christmas or roses during Teacher’s Day. Hehehe. Come 2nd year high school, my classmates projected that I will become a doctor. Hmmm…I thought about it…why not. But really, I never imagined myself becoming one. When I was younger, I often played bahay-bahayan, tinda-tindahan, titser-titseran but not doktor-doktoran. When I was growing up, I used to cure myself because I was a pathetic sickly individual. I would have been a better quack doctor…hehehe. College days, the thought of becoming a teacher was still in mind, but a teacher in high school, because I wanted to bond with my students. College students, especially from UP freaked me out before and so I preferred to teach in high school. I don’t know what happened…I ended up teaching in college.

But what confuses me this time is what I really wanted to do. Let me see…I wanted to become a manicurista, a cashier (don’t you just love pressing those keys on the cash register), a fashion designer, a music band member, a theater artist or production designer, a writer in a magazine, a researcher in a genetic engineering laboratory, an entrepreneur…the list goes on. I wanted to try becoming all of those, but time and resources won’t permit I think…or I am thinking wrongly? I don’t know. I really don’t know where I’d be happiest. I wish someday, I’d meet someone or I’d be in a situation who/that would make me realize what I really wanted to do. I really can’t see myself right now…I am a torn individual…I am not lonely…I am more of confused. I am not really frustrated…just puzzled by what is in store for me. The last time I saw myself…I was just a young girl playing…enjoying…dreaming of what I wanted to become. Now that the time has come for me to discover and carry out my mission in life…it seems so hard to put the pieces of myself together. My image is obscure. Somebody clear me up.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


How can you miss someone you don’t even know?

I am one person who can’t remember lines or dialogues verbatim from books I’ve read…no matter how quotable they are. Surprisingly, I remembered one statement (which I typed in red) from the book Suddenly Mommy (highly recommended by Larisa). Is it really possible to miss someone you don’t even know? I don’t think so. But the funny thing is, it has sort of happened to me. Maybe that’s the reason why I remebered that line.

Well, I actually know the person and that person knows me too…but we never know each other that much. We have never been together for a long time. We have never really talked about each other’s lives. There was only one short event where we had been together. All I know are that person’s nickname and boarding house location. In short, we are not really close to miss each other or long for one’s presence.

Then one day, we met and exchanged some greetings. And that person told me…"Uy Kewek, namiss kita." I stood there, thinking of what to say. Honestly, I was surprised to hear that. And so I changed the topic.

As I was going to my room, I felt guilty that I diverted the topic since I could not respond to what that person said. But I thanked God for that person. Then it dawned on me that there are people whom I can depend on. Though I don’t see them often, they have an ounce of appreciation for my existence. And now I have a goal… I should see that person more often…get to know that person better…for she is one person I realized I can really treasure as a friend. She has touched me in some ways.

Well, it’s possible to miss someone you don’t really know…I mean know that much, after all.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


The past week had been nerve-wracking yet euphoric in a way. Coming home after an exhausting endeavor, I got to read my horoscope from the day’s papers. Oh yes, I do read them, but at the end of the day, to see if the predictions were true. Haha. I have this inkling with horoscopes, got it from Mother Goose I suppose. I just enjoy reading them but never really believe in them…or should I say in most of them. So after reading my horoscope which said "You will gain something in return for all that you have given." I suddenly thought that it was one prediction I wanted to believe in.

I was recalling the day’s events. Very tiring indeed, but the satisfaction I got after getting a hug from one concerned person was enough to make me say that I really have gained something in return. Two days after, I received something from that person, enough to make me feel appreciated. Yes…I am gaining still.

Monday, July 11, 2005


I was such a pitiful sight five hours ago. I watched a very wonderful play at CCP…the pathetic thing was…I WAS ALONE. Oh yes…I laughed alone…I commented to myself. Of course, there were other people there, laughing and commenting…with their companions. I had no time to invite my friends…or never opted to invite them because I thought that I will be watching with my relatives…since one of the performers is a relative of ours. But no, not even one of them came with me. And I had no time to invite others. Well anyway, I enjoyed the show. I loved the environment, I mean the world of theater. If I had the guts, I would have been a theater artist, actor or production designer. I even got to sit at the back of an actor…not really famous, but familiar. Anyway, my point is, I was alone…but I had a happy moment.

It always happen that way. I go to places alone…engage myself in activities where I don’t know anyone, but end up happy. I get to meet new faces…I get to experience new things. It’s not that I am a loner or I never invite anyone, friends or family members to those events. It’s just that most of the people I invite are not available. Wow ha. It’s just sad that they miss some things which I think they would have enjoyed.

So I guess I am quite contented, doing things all by myself at this moment. When we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere. Sometimes, we need to be happy on our own before some other person or some other things can complete us.

I hope that in all upcoming events, there will be people that I can drag along with me…hay I really hope. Happy naman mag-isa, pero mas masaya pag maraming kasama. ;)

Saturday, July 9, 2005


I woke up one Sunday morning with this message flashed before my eyes: Letting a person hurt you, and hoping they will change, is like hanging a sign on your doorstep, "All rodents keep out." and expecting they would understand. GODBLESS YOUR SUNDAY! :-) The message was from a long-time textmate. But he is no ordinary textmate. His messages never fail to make me think and pause for a moment for some reflection. His messages range from the profound to the mundane, but they never fail to leave an impact on you.

Anyway, and so I have read the message… quite true. You can never really change a person. I had this kind of inkling before…trying to change a person to make him/her better and then I realized, what made me think that this person is really of no good and who am I to change him/her. I felt sorry for myself. If you want to start a good relationship with someone else (by relationship, I just don’t mean a romantic relationship…i mean something that goes beyond that…long-lasting friendship), changing that person should be out of your agenda. That’s one of the important things I learned months ago. And so I let things be. I’ve learned to get along with that person. I remember, there was one Friendster survey I answered last year…one of the questions was "what do you intend to do days from now?" or something like that, and my answer was to befriend that person, because I never thought I could be friends with that person…our brainwaves were of different wavelengths. With that end in mind (the change that person idea), I really had a hard time getting to know that person, because I had already judged that person based on my initial impression. But when I junked that idea, everything seemed to fall into place. I had become friends with that person, and that provided such contentment. If a person wishes to change, I guess he/she will have the initiative. If there is really growth in your relationship, then both of you will have the initiative to change for the better and the best thing is that you learn from one another.

Hala…bakit ganito ang mode ko…advisory column ba ako…hehehe..Kadiri.

La lang…just some thoughts…on a Sunday morning. Hay sakit sa ulo.

Friday, July 8, 2005


Mother Goose is currently watching a program at ANC and I keep on hearing "the supreme sacrifice"…"And what exactly is that supreme sacrifice?" I was asking myself… It’ just so irritating to here those words, I have no idea why. The thing that comes to my mind is a super supreme pan pizza…hah. I must be hungry.

I write here. I actually have tons of "more important" things to write about, but I am impeded by the fact that we might not have classes on the next few days…because everything has gone berserk in this country. Hmmm…wishful thinking (the we-might-not-have-classes- idea) but still I continue to write here.

I have become phlegmatic …very sad case indeed. Sometimes, you can’t help to be indifferent of the things happening around you, and all you wanted to do is laugh. Perfect. Comedy is our salvation. Instead of bickering, why don’t we all just laugh? Instead of talking as if we know what we are really saying, let’s just laugh. Instead of feeling sorry for everything that has been going on, let’s laugh. Let’s laugh our hearts out until we find solutions…until we find cure. Crazy ideas…at least I have offerred my suggestion. Hahahaha. It is up to you if you’ll accept my idea or dump it.

The supreme sacrifice is to shut up for a while and think…I mean really think. Sometimes, we don’t give importance to thinking…and so I propose that thinking is the biggest effort that one can do at these times. After such effort…laugh! You deserve to laugh after such sacrifice. Now, carrying out that thought is another thing. You provide the suggestion this time…because until now, all I can’t think of is to laugh.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


It’s five minutes away from Independence Day. As I passed along EDSA hours ago, vendors were on their feet, selling Philippine flaglets to people. I wonder if there are still people who buy those commemorative items. I don’t remember any cheerful celebration of this event…for me, it has always been very sober. For we all know that there is no much reason to celebrate. We have never been free.

Hours before Independence Day, I found myself in a police station, along with some friends…for reasons I cannot disclose. I thought we would be staying there for long. Talk about freedom…hehehe. Okay, don’t get me wrong. We neither engaged in delinquent undertakings nor got detained. It’s just that we have to be there…we need to be there. It was one of the most adventurous days of my life. I’m glad I joined them…hahaha! I learned a lot…we learned a lot. No regrets. Experience is really the best teacher. It was that moment when I realized that I have never been independent. I never thought of the right thing to do or the right words to say when that thing happened. I have never been in that kind of situation before. All along I thought I was independent…that I can already act on my own…but lo and behold, the first thing that I thought of doing was to call my father…and ask him what to do in such kind of situation. Well probably I just wanted to seek advice, not that I am totally dependent. I have accepted the fact that I will be needing them (i.e. parents) for the rest of my life, but sure after such an incident, I know I can manage on my own.
As I type…it is already Independence Day. For some, it is a reality…for others, it is a mere display of a commemorative item which has somehow lost its essence.

Saturday, May 21, 2005


This is one of the most fulfilling days of my life. With the help of generous friends and family members, I get to take part in shaping the life of a child. I went alone and met new friends. The people there, though tired were passionate with their volunteer work. Just when you’ve thought how dedicated you are to this kind of work, a new friend talks to you about the volunteer work as her gift to herself on her birthday. Talk about noble intentions. Another humbling experience.

I’ve also met someone who told me something that made me realize what I wanted to pursue. It was probably the information I was waiting for. Thanks to him.

And so I walk the walk and ended up slightly wet from the rain. The memorial park provided the perfect scene for the perfect moment. The moment of reflection…about one’s life and how to live it…walking…journeying…making the most out of it…before one gets six feet below the ground.

Soon I’d be dead. It is good that I am starting to see what I really wanted to do…I start to see what really makes me happy…and I will work hard to make those things happen.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


I feel so redeemed…ahehe..komo bat nakakapagsimba ka na araw-araw?!

oo naman…ansarap ng feeling…i don’t want that deed to be superficial…kasama ko si andrea palagi pag nagsisimba…oh well 3 nights pa lang naman. noong una…eh may hidden agenda kung bakit kami nagsimba..but God knows pure din naman ang aming intentions…nakaka-gulity kasi…wala na kaming ginagawa and yet we cannot spend even 30 minutes of our time to be with the Lord

grabe…sana , magtuluy-tuloy na ito at sana madami rin kaming taong mahatak sa aming really feels good after hearing God’s Word..lalo na pag maganda yung homily, yung tipong tatamaan ka. i really liked that homily about not to be like the Pharisees..sila yung mga tao who take God’s Word literally. We should not be like them, kasi sila basta nasusunod ang kasulatan, kahit walang pakialam sa kapwa e okay na…hindi dapat ganun di ba…we should see God in every person, so if we want to serve Him or make sacrifices for Him eh we should also do the same to our neighbors! Panalo! aheheh..

relate ko naman sa napanood namin..Under the Tuscan was a nice movie…it’s all about being happy for others…because it is sometimes in being happy for others that we get happy too…

minsan kasi lagi na lang ako..ako ang iniisip natin..we neglect the importance of selfless actions…

we make wishes for ourselves and we get depressed when thy don’t granted, only to find out that what we were wishing for were granted to others..sometimes, to people close to you..and we get even more depressed…hay buhay

and so that was the important thing i learned today…i realized today…masaya ako pag masaya ang ibang tao..masaya kapag nakikita mo na masaya ang mga taong hindi mo nakikitang laging ngumingiti.

you get redeemed from all the world’s indifference, from the harsh realities of life, when you see other people redeemed from them too.


I feel lost..ewan basta lost.

Usapang porma namin ni Tatay:

Kewek (naka-yellow shirt, maong pants and black rubber shoes): "Tay, bagay ba yung yellow na shirt dito?"

Tatay: "Oo, ang yellow naman puwede kahit ano."

Kewek: (napa-isip…hala kelan pa naging universal ang yellow) " etong sapatos ko?"

Tatay: "Oo naman, ang black naman puwede din sa kahit ano!"

Haaayyy…as in. After all, ang kahit anong kulay pala ay puwede sa kahit ano…kaya lab na lab ko si tatay eh.

But no..lost pa rin ako.