Saturday, April 11, 2009


1. When I was younger, I had a picture of Lea Salonga pinned on the door of my favorite cabinet. The picture was a cut-out from Horoscope comics (see #2). To make things more exciting, I “signed” her name on the picture. And now I am wondering why I did that. It was probably just one of those days that I needed someone to look up to. And now I am wondering again (and scratching my head), why her?

2. I love reading comics. My affair with those reading materials started with Filipino ones- Horoscope, Wakasan, Love Story, Happy, Funny, Bata Batuta. Then, when I learned to read, write and speak in English, I tried Archie comics. Then when I learned to face intellectual and moral issues, I tried Calvin and Hobbes. Oh yes, you can get serious education from comics.

3. I had once been on the headline page of the Today newspaper back in 1995. The front page had my sole photo wearing our beloved Paulinian attire, waving mini-Vatican paper flags. That was taken when Pope John Paul II was about to leave the country. I think we were singing…”Viva, viva, oh viva…” Hahaha! I kept that paper. Sadly, I can’t remember where.

4. When situations suck the life out of me, I clean my toenails. Seeing my toenails clean somehow resurrects me.

5. I initially wanted to become a nun. Then I changed my mind and wanted to become a teacher instead. I guess the idea of being a medical doctor was brought about by some peer and family pressure (at least not by my immediate family). My father would always tell me that he can’t afford to send me to medical school. I didn’t feel bad about that. I wondered, “How come I didn’t feel disappointed?” That’s when I realized that having an “M.D.” appended to my name was not one my greatest dreams. I gave it a thought too because my classmates and relatives encouraged me (and I still thank them for that), but the idea of being in charge of a person’s life somehow scared me. Now, I am working my way to becoming a doctor, but a different one this time.

6. It’s hard for me to sleep without a blanket, even during warm days/nights. It has to cover all parts of my body except my feet. I leave my feet exposed, as I feel suffocated if they are covered as well. Why not just uncover my head? Beats me. I don’t know why. I think I breathe through my feet.

7. People at home think I don’t eat a lot, but I do. I just have this feeling that at home, you share the food in the table, that’s why I am conscious as to how many pieces of chicken or pork chop I should place on my plate.

8. I am orally withdrawn, but uninhibited in writing. For some time, I hated my lack of spontaneity and responsiveness when communicating verbally. I admire those who manage to maintain good and fun conversations with people whom they just met.

9. I used to burp a lot and I burped aloud, at least around people who know me. In one case where I believe I got drunk, but still fully aware of what was happening- they said that I burped for like 60 times. My defense? At least the air came out of my mouth and not from another exit point, where it could have combined with some notorious gases.

10. I can make loud sounds by striking my tongue onto my palate. Back home, I used this sound to call Manong Sidecar instead of the traditional whistle.

11. I wear eyeglasses now. I still can’t stand wearing my prescription glasses so I wear contact lenses.

12. I am a White Flower junkie. White Flower Oil is a Chinese embrocation for aches and pains. It’s my upper for boring lectures/seminars or a counter-scent for unwanted odors. I know sooner or later this addiction would affect a certain body organ. Let’s wait and see.

13. I love tasting non-edible items for scientific pursuit. I’ve tasted acetone. I’ve tasted White Flower (see #12). I’ve tasted isopropyl alcohol. I’ve tasted some water from salt beds- didn’t care where the water came from. I just wanted to verify for myself that they indeed had salty substances.

14. I love toddlers. I believe they are easier to deal with than adults who have so many issues and pretensions.

15. I used to think I had superpowers! When I was younger (as in very young), I had two small skin outgrowths on my left hand which I thought were special and which caused me to have special skills. Why? Because I didn’t see those in other people’s hands! (This kind of thinking is a side effect of #2) They turned out to be warts and I got rid of them by pressing them hard onto my skin.

16. I believe that human nature is essentially good, but at some point challenged by various personal experiences. Translating that to my relationship with people: I always look at the good side of a person, but leave some doubts about his/her personality at the back of my mind. Trusting safely, but not completely.

17. I can’t shop “properly” for myself when I have companions. I always think that I have to make them accomplish their purchases first and help them with those before I buy my own.

18. I am a loser when it comes to keeping track of my finances. If you borrow money from me, it is your responsibility to remember the amount, and it is your responsibility to pay me. Hehe.

19. I have always preferred being on backstage of the show rather than being in the limelight. By show I mean, any life event or situation. At some point I know I have to step up and show myself. But being behind the scene gives me a broader perspective of things and gives me more flexibility. It’s like being the guide on the side than being the sage on the stage.

20. I am an individual born to very generous parents. We are not materially-rich. But my parents emphasized through their actions that people always have something to offer besides money, to uplift other people’s lives.

21. I am a Cinema One fan! The truth is, I appreciate classic Filipino movies. But I hate this story line which most drama flicks had before: The bida was made to believe she was born to a wealthy and good-natured family, only to find out (after her debut: the right and legal age to know about a shocking truth) that she was a lovechild of a poor maid. She then rebels against her foster parents and searches for her true parents. That was actually irritating. It sent out a wrong message. But then, it happened to be the climax of the story. Oh well.

22. I have a knack for coming up with gift items made from scratch (i.e. from artsy bits and pieces I have at home). Hehe. Well nobody complained about them so far. Haha, now that you know, I guess you would no longer invite me to your birthday party. Waah!

23. I am not a competitive person if it’s just about me. This is something related to #19. But if people rely on me, then I tend to be.

24. Because most friends gave me key chains as souvenirs from places they went to, I was compelled to create a key chain collection. So if you happen to stop by anywhere, please send me an interesting one…friend.

25. I still carry a rosary in my pocket. I admit I don’t pray the rosary often, but somehow it has become my security blanket.

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