Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body. ~ O.W. Holmes
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011
As a new semester starts, the floors have been waxed and the bulletin boards have been cleared of old postings. The three levels of our building are maintained by Ms. Josie, the custodial worker. Because I looked Hispanic in some ways, the custodial workers who are mostly Hispanic, feel comfortable talking to me - in Spanish, at first. Until I tell them that I am Filipino and I don't speak Spanish, though I understand some words.
If there is one thing useful I've learned as a researcher, it is to sincerely befriend custodial workers and security guards. So when you have to work on evenings, they'll let you in the building without questions, and you'll have instant company too especially if you are scared of the very scientific "mumu". They'll help you too when you need to clean up or carry something. Here in the US, custodial workers go home at 2 PM and there are no security guards. Nonetheless, it is still very important to treat them well.
Ms. Josie surprised me when a tragic incident happened in the lab. She asked questions, I answered. Then all of a sudden, she hugged me and told me that if problems come my way, I should dismiss the idea of taking my own life. I was touched. It was as if she was murmuring a silent prayer for everyone as I said thank you.
Every time I see these clean corridors, I smile and I am reminded of people, who although not academically, make school life easier to deal with.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This morning, I failed my second attempt to secure a driver's license by passing the actual driving test. I am happy though, since ABL passed the test and we won't have to bother our dear friends to accompany us back and forth the Department of Public Safety office. Plus, I didn't get much of a headache than I did during the first test, since the night before that first test, I wasn't able to sleep well. It was like a scene from my grade school days where I can't sleep when there's a field trip the next day. Hahaha.
ABL of course, was happier. He is proud because he never handled a car before and totally learned from scratch here in the US, and yet he passed. I on the other hand, took driving lessons back in the Philippines - manual transmission mode. I recalled my previous blog entry, Rookie about it.
So after all the road initiations involving a car that I've been through, you ask - "Why did you fail?" I've gotten most of the mistakes I've had during my first take corrected as seen from the grade sheet. But then maybe, some other mistakes resurfaced that didn't pass my examiner's standards. I have no excuses. As JC the instructor have mentioned, if you really are a good driver, the examiner, the type of car, the weather conditions, etc. should not be considered as factors for passing or failing the exam. So I guess, I really am not ready for the road. Haha. So let me make fun of it instead.
The first song which came to my mind after the examiner described my performance was Just Once by James Ingram. If only I could apply the title of the song to the number of times I have to take the actual driving test, I will be happier than how I am now. I have one more attempt. If I fail that still, I have to retake the written portion and undergo the same procedure. So maybe- Just Once -- for the written. Okay, so let's dissect the song a bit in relation to my performance.
"I did my best, but I guess my best wasn't good enough..."
The first part of the test was to show the examiner that you can do a decent parallel parking. My examiner said her spiel, "Over that side you have to parallel park...you have to be 10-18 inches away...", as I was driving close to the dumpster (the make-believe car that will be in front of you once you've parked). Hell, I believe that I did the most confident and perfect parallel parking that I have ever done in my life; and under pressure at that. Once I was done, she opened her door and looked at my distance from the curb and pronounced that it was okay to proceed. In less than 5 minutes, I was out of the DPS office and that lessened the anxiety, only to find out that there was still something wrong. She said that once I was inside, I didn't have to make several adjustments. [I was trying to straighten out the positioning of the car and it didn't take me long at all]. So as she was explaining that, my face contorted a bit into a confused look, mouth slightly open. Seeing my face, she sort of retracted and said, "They don't really expect you to do a perfect parallel parking, once you're inside, you're good." Wow. So there, it wasn't the best after all. Deductions. Deductions.
"I gave my all, but I guess my all may have been to much..."
Then she said, "You were OBSERVING A LOT. That may cause you to impede traffic in th e future." [Observation...is that bad? I was still moving, maintaining my speed 5mph less than the limit to be safe. Occasionally, my speed reduced (especially in the neighborhood, trying to be careful) and I picked it up again. She disliked it.] Oh well. Deductions. Deductions.
Deductions for a total of -31, out of the allowable -30. I saw that in her grading sheet (the one they keep for their records) as she was explaining my mistakes to me. It was on her lap so I was able to see it. The first thing that came to my mind was, "Should I make an appeal?" But I guess they knew better for they didn't put my actual score in the sheet that they give back. I didn't bother to ask further as I might irritate her.
Hahaha. So there. She was a very nitpicky examiner, but I won't call her a bitch like what the other failed examinee told her companion of her examiner. Her comments may be for the better anyway. At least I got what I was really praying for- that I won't get into any accident or commit any dangerous act. For now, I shall enjoy my chauffeur service (according to our lab post-doc)!
JUST ONCE (James Ingram)
Photo from: http://articles.onlineautoinsurance.com/articles/purchase-insurance-without-a-drivers-license/
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